Frigid temperatures, freezing rain and heavy snow can have a crippling effect on much of the country each winter. However, with spring right around the corner, many of those winter problems will disappear as quickly as the snow thaws and the temperatures rise, with one significant exception — concrete. Concrete is like a rigid sponge that snow and other precipitation penetrates, freezes, expands and eventually thaws with those repeated cycles causing unsightly cracking, flaking and spalling. In addition, concrete surfaces are battered every winter by salt, de-icers, sand and heavy snow-moving equipment that leave ugly stains and damage to driveways, patios and sidewalks around the home.

The good news is that winter damage generally leaves homeowners with structurally sound concrete that is really just in need of a face-lift. Traditionally most homeowners would remove the old, broken concrete and pour a new slab, which can be very expensive. However, an attractive alternative for renewing the surface at a fraction of the cost is Quikrete Concrete Resurfacer. In fact, removing and pouring a new slab of concrete costs $3.50 to $5.50 per square foot compared to approximately 25 cents per square foot with a resurfacing product. Not only is it cost efficient, but the concrete resurfacer also provides strength and durability to the renewed concrete surface.

Steps for resurfacing concrete

When working with cement-based products, always wear eye protection and waterproof gloves, then follow these steps:

* First, rigorously clean the concrete with a 3,500 PSI pressure washer to remove all dirt and debris from the concrete surface.

* Repair any deep cracks and spalled areas in the concrete with concrete resurfacer and allow to harden.

* Completely saturate the surface with water and then remove any standing water with a squeegee.

* Place weather stripping over concrete joints.

* Mix one 40-pound bag of Quikrete Concrete Resurfacer with water in a five-gallon bucket for about five minutes until a pancake batter consistency is achieved.

* Pour the concrete resurfacer onto the concrete in 1-foot-wide strips.

* Scrub the material into the concrete surface using a long-handled squeegee.

* Evenly spread the concrete resurfacer back and forth onto the concrete surface.

* Apply a non-slip finish using a concrete broom after about five minutes.

For temperatures exceeding 90 degrees F, moist cure with a fine water mist for 24 to 48 hours.

For more tips, directions and information, including a how-to video on Quikrete Concrete Resurfacer, visit or look for Quikrete on social media.

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