Lecturer in Science

October 19, 2021 | Comments Off on Lecturer in Science

1. To plan teaching, learning and assessment for college programmes using the appropriate college format to ensure effective learning.

2. To deliver teaching and learning to at least a consistently good or outstanding standard to achieve high success rates.

3. To assess accurately learners work both formatively and summatively against appropriate awarding body criteria to ensure learners achieve their qualifications.

4. To comply with all college quality assurance procedures as prescribed by the Vice Principal -Curriculum & Quality to ensure the achievement of all internal and external audits.

5. To use all appropriate resources effectively to ensure that the learners' experience results in positive learning outcomes and high professional standards.

6. To support learners progress through personal tutoring and parent/careers evenings to help learners achieve their full potential and progress appropriately.

7. To assist with the marketing of college programmes including identifying new opportunities, attending internal and external events and interview evenings to increase the recruitment of learners.

8. To take overall responsibility for the Health & Safety of students within the teaching area and conduct relevant risk assessments where appropriate.

9. To undertake all aspects of the post in accordance with the College's Equality and Diversity, Safeguarding and Health and Safety policies and schemes.

10. To comply with the College's Data Protection policy in relation to the collection, use, storage and disposal of personal and/or sensitive information.

11. To comply with the College's Professional Work Dress Code Policy.

12. To comply with the College's commitments of the COVID-19 Policy, Risk Assessments, & Staff Charter.

13. To take personal and professional responsibility for keeping up-to-date in the subject area.

14. To undertake any other duties as may reasonably be expected, commensurate with your salary, both within and, where required, external to the College.